
Crediclub strictly complies with the rules established by law. We are governed by the National Securities Banking Commission (CNBV), the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection (IFAI) and the National Commission for the Defense of Financial Services Users (CONDUSEF). In this section you will find:

The National Banking and Securities Commission

It oversees and regulates the entities that make up the Mexican financial system, in order to ensure their stability and proper functioning, it maintains and promotes the healthy and balanced development of that system as a whole, in order to protect the interests of the public.

The National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services

It is a public institution under the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit dedicated to guiding and promoting Financial Education, and to dealing with and resolving complaints from users of financial services and products, committed to always seeking a fair and equitable relationship between users and financial institutions. Tel. 53400 9999 or 01 800 9999 8080 asesorí

It guarantees the right of citizens to public governmental information and to the privacy of their personal data, promotes in society and in government a culture of access to information, accountability and the right to privacy.

Bureau of Financial Institutions

The BEF is a consultation tool where you can learn about the behavior of the institutions and the products they offer.

What is the Bureau of Financial Institutions?

It is a consultation and dissemination tool with which you can learn about the products offered by financial institutions, their commissions and fees, the complaints of users, the unhealthy practices they engage in, the administrative sanctions they have imposed on them, the abusive clauses in their contracts and other information that is relevant to informing you about their performance.

With the Bureau of Financial Institutions, it will be possible to know who is who in banks, insurance, multi-purpose financial corporations, savings banks, afores, and other entities.

With this, you will be able to compare and evaluate financial institutions, their products and services and you will have more elements to choose what is best for you.

This information will be useful to you in choosing a financial product and also to better understand and use the ones you already have.